Ian Filippini Santa Barbara Loves Brophy Bros.!

Brophy Bros.

As Ian Filippini Santa Barbara knows, Brophy Bros. is one of the most popular restaurants for locals to dine at in the Santa Barbara area. Brophy Bros. is located in the Harbor, which is a popular spot for locals and visitors alike.

Ian Filippini Santa Barbara loves the beautiful views you get while dining at Brophy Bros., but he also loves their fresh and locally caught seafood. Brophy Bros. also offers a wonderful selection of beer, as well as a full bar. Bloody Mary’s and oysters are a popular brunch order at Brophy Bros.

Brophy Bros. definitely has a casual atmosphere, and the menu prices reflect that as well. Go to https://www.brophybros.com/ to find out more about the restaurant and their menu. Go to http://ianfilippini.co/ and http://iaianfilippinisantabarbara.com/ to find out more about Ian Filippini Santa Barbara.

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